A Cybrary, cyber-library, is a list of categories containing  annotated links to webpages, research papers, and applications ordered by subject/content areas. The list is generated by many teachers and students working in the specific subject area.

Each link also has a discussion area behind it. When you add a link, please start the discussion area. 

This  Cybrary (9-12)  is waiting for teachers and students to add links to activities, research and  teacher tools  suitable for 9-12 grade students

Instructions for adding a link to a category:

  1. Select  the category listed below. A new page appears.
  2. In the General area, click Turn editing on (upper right).
  3. Click +Add an activity or resource. A window with a list appears.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the window and click the radio button adjacent to URL.
  5. Click Add. A new window opens.
  6. Enter the page title of the link you have selected. 
  7. Enter a description of the link.
  8. Select the check box labeled .Display description on project page.
  9. Enter the External URLRequired field you have selected.
  10. Click Appearance. The display area opens.
  11. Un-check the box adjacent to Display URL description.
  12. Open the display drop-down menu and select in Pop-up.
  13. At the bottom of the page, click Save and return to project.